Saturday, June 27, 2020

glib-2.38.2 (fail)

Hmmm... :


  • libffi 
  • python 

It compiled all good. But AbiWord is not working, loads but menus not working. Only text-input is possible. 
AbiWord probably needs recompilation. And not Backward Compat? (

Going for 2.16.6, seems compatible with 2.14.x (

Will test if works, and plan is to remove some code...

Friday, June 26, 2020

Make hell of compilation in Linux enviroment (2)

Coming back again to make hell on my 486. Well, its insane to compile on this machine the first place. :D Last time.

So i am trying to compile icewm 1.0.9/1.2.37, bash 3.1 etc.
It takes time as usual in checking.

With icewm there is problem that it will not install to path i need, its hard coded. Cant disable nls with configure, it still builds it.

Testing again and again. I installed ccache, to speed up some repeating task, but it helps only so much.

Also annoying is to make diff files to fix compilations. Some program will not compile on gcc 3.4.6.
Some source is too old, some is to new. Some make scripts goes into loop etc.

Noticed in icewm that it makes some repeating task in source. Comparing path dirs, addin for themes etc.

So run (autoconf )autogen > configure > make > make install. Configure file itself is 500kb, source code with all the includes 1.5mb. Hm...

Well at-least icewm 1.2.37 its working instead my old 1.0.6 version :) When i log out then it closes all except X stays up. Also


needs to be on xinitrc or nothing comes up except X cursor. Strange...
No need for that with icewm 1.0.9.

Interesting reading:

Is there a good reason for per source file executing compiler? When all parameters are same.