The change
I have two hard disks. First (primary master) is original Windows 95 drive.
Second disk (primary slave) is added drive with linux installed.
So to boot linux i have to boot to dos and load linux from a command line.
But how can i had boot manager?
Adding Lilo
Well, i compiled lilo-24.2 ( on my virtual machine. Copyed files over to 486 PC.
Made configuration file changes in /etc/lilo.conf
So that lilo boot is installed on windows 95 drive and second stage is booted from linux drive.
Got warning: "sector and map file are on different disks"
And when booting up got: "timestamp mismatch"
What the hell.
Now i have unbootable machine.
Still i was in luck, as i made floppy drive that had grub and Freedos. I was able to fix windows 95 disk mbr and got to boot again linux from there.
Still after many tries i was still on the same errors.
Finaly i was thinking, maybe if i change the order of disks i can get rid of first warning.
Ok booting from floppy and i get no root file system error and kernel panic. Requesting me to check filesystem in readonly mode. What? Cant change any config files.
Realized that /etc/fstab has wrong info info about drives. hdb was now hda, drive where linux is at.
Booted again from windows drive. I had version where initrd file was present so i can mount hda and change /etc/fstab file. Done. Booted.
Still second error.
God deem.
Made lots of changes, but still no luck.
Googelgin around:
Sugest to uninstall lilo like lilo -U and reinstall then with lilo -v
No luck.
Finaly. Downloaded source code to 486 PC and made make.
Complains that gcc must be 3.3.5, i have 3.3.4 (checkit file). Made version lower in config file. Hit make again. After a while when it was done i hit:
make install
lilo -M /dev/hda MBRRebooted and got Lilo boot screen.
lilo -v
Final config file:
# LILO configuration file
boot = /dev/hda
message = /boot/boot_message.txt
timeout = 1200
vga = normal
map = /boot/map
other = /dev/hdc
label = win
image = /boot/vmlinuz-
root = /dev/hda1
label = Linux-
image = /boot/vmlinuz-ide-2.4.29
root = /dev/hda1
label = Linux-2.4.29